Baka to Test to Shokanjuu Dya

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Baka to Test to Shokanjuu Dya
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả inoue kenji
Họa Sĩ unknown
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Baka to Test to Shokanjuu Dya

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At Fumidzuki Academy, classes are separated by academic achievement. The smartest kids are in A Class, while the dumbest are in F Class. This chronicles the daily life of the students in F Class. Instead of grades, they have to worry about homosexual stalkers, crushes, ambiguous genders, and waging academic war on the upper classes!

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Other Name
Baka to Test to Shokanjuu Dya
Nhóm Dịch Unknown
Loại Truyện Manga
Tác Giả inoue kenji
Họa Sĩ unknown
Tình Trạng Ongoing
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